My Mom Doesn’t Understand The Difficulties Of Being Openly Bipolar

Every morning, on my drive to work, I call my mom. One might think this makes me a mama’s boy, but it’s more to stave off boredom than anything else. The conversations are generally limited to family gossip and the like, but recently, the subject of me living openly with bipolar disorder came up. I [...]

By |2017-08-11T00:43:42-04:00August 11th, 2017|Bipolar Disorder, Caregiving, Family, Mental Illness, Relationships|Comments Off on My Mom Doesn’t Understand The Difficulties Of Being Openly Bipolar

How To Manage Anxiety & Depression While Away At School

When I was younger, I saw a poster of Tiger Woods. The caption read, “How do you go from the best to the worst overnight? Turn Pro.” I always kind of thought it was a bit stupid, frankly. Your abilities don’t change because of what pool you’re competing in. Tiger Woods’ golf skills were the [...]

By |2017-07-27T17:22:20-04:00July 27th, 2017|Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Mental Illness|Comments Off on How To Manage Anxiety & Depression While Away At School

PODCAST: Mental Illness A Justifiable Defense Against The Death Penalty? A Glimpse Into The William Morva Case

In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales examine the case of William Morva, a man convicted of murder who was put to death in July 2017, despite having a diagnosis of severe mental illness. Facts of the case are addressed, and many questions raised. Additionally, our hosts share [...]

By |2017-07-25T13:00:08-04:00July 24th, 2017|Mental Illness, Podcast|Comments Off on PODCAST: Mental Illness A Justifiable Defense Against The Death Penalty? A Glimpse Into The William Morva Case

Coping With Suicide As A Parent: “We Did Everything Right”

A few weeks ago, I gave a speech at a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) fundraising dinner. The event was designed to give different perspectives on the challenges our society faces related to mental illness and suicide. I was there to speak about living with bipolar disorder. Additionally, there were a couple family members, [...]

By |2017-07-21T00:44:30-04:00July 21st, 2017|Advocacy, Family, Mental Illness, Suicide|Comments Off on Coping With Suicide As A Parent: “We Did Everything Right”

PODCAST: What Is Life Like With Schizophrenia?

In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales welcome guest Tanara Simpson, a young woman who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her 20s. In this interview, Tanara shares the story of her diagnosis, including the symptoms that led her from doctor to doctor, landed her in jail, and ultimately [...]

By |2017-07-18T01:56:36-04:00July 18th, 2017|Advocacy, Caregiving, Mental Illness, Podcast|Comments Off on PODCAST: What Is Life Like With Schizophrenia?

Is Peer Support Beneficial In The Mental Health System?

In the U.S., there is a growing trend of using peer supporters to help people suffering from bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health issues. There is a general misconception, however, about the role of peer support in recovery. In some people’s minds, peer support is a replacement for traditional medical treatments and therapies. Before [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:09:58-04:00July 14th, 2017|Advocacy, Mental Illness, Peer Support|Comments Off on Is Peer Support Beneficial In The Mental Health System?

Is High Cost Preventing Access to Psychiatric Medication?

Within the mental health community, most members will identify medication as an essential component in their process of recovery, or psychiatric treatment. Medication is the key enabler of recovery, providing those suffering from mental illness with a way for symptoms to subside, while paving the pathway towards creating a sustainable and satisfying life for the [...]

By |2017-07-12T19:45:56-04:00July 11th, 2017|Caregiving, Mental Illness|Comments Off on Is High Cost Preventing Access to Psychiatric Medication?

PODCAST: Hypersexuality-The Ignored Symptom of Bipolar

In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe and Vincent address the frequently ignored and often misrepresented aspect of bipolar disorder – hypersexuality. Many seem to view this as a desirable state, believing it to be little more than having frequent sex. It is often treated as a punchline (when it is addressed at all). [...]

By |2017-07-07T04:12:17-04:00July 7th, 2017|Advocacy, Bipolar Disorder, Mental Illness, Podcast|Comments Off on PODCAST: Hypersexuality-The Ignored Symptom of Bipolar

PODCAST: What Defines A Panic Attack?

In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe and Vincent discuss anxiety disorders, which can be debilitating on many levels and strain even the closest relationships, often due to a lack of understanding of what anxiety disorder is like. Listen as our hosts describe what it’s like, from mild social anxiety to full-blown, sweat-dripping panic [...]

By |2017-07-07T03:38:04-04:00June 29th, 2017|Advocacy, Mental Illness|Comments Off on PODCAST: What Defines A Panic Attack?

An Interview with Olympian & Author, Suzy Favor Hamilton

I am very excited to interview Suzy Favor Hamilton, a former Olympian who lives with bipolar disorder. She has been featured on multiple news shows, including 20/20. She is an amazing advocate, a really cool person, and it was nice to meet her. From her bio: Fast Girl – A Life Spent Running From Madness [...]

By |2017-06-20T11:23:23-04:00June 20th, 2017|Advocacy, Bipolar Disorder, Mental Illness|Comments Off on An Interview with Olympian & Author, Suzy Favor Hamilton